Text Box: Cardiff Athletic Bowls Section



Welcome to the Cardiff Athletic Bowles Homepage. We hope this website will inform and entertain you. For our members, we hope for better communication. For visitors, we hope that you will get a flavour of what we do. Come and join us there always room for one more!


Constitution - The latest version of our Constitution is available on request from Les Hazell. Please read it carefully & if you have any queries, please contact him or any other League Officer. Proposals to change the Constitution must be sent to the secretary. Your written proposal, seconded by another Team in the League, should be received 14 days before our next AGM. JS


Membership 2018 Season
The Club opens in April each year and continues to the end of September.
Currently there is only a male section in the Club and membership is open
to all ages of new and experienced bowlers.
The membership fee includes an annual membership of Cardiff Athletic Club
running from June to the end of May.


Full Membership - £125 (includes £25 CAC membership

Over 65's Membership - £84.50 (includes £25 CAC membership)

Junior (11 - 18) - £35

Student - £60 (includes £25 CAC membership)

Non - Playing - £60 (includes £25 CAC membership)


Further information regarding membership can be obtained from
the Secretary, Les Hazell on (029) 20216990.


Officers of the Section

Honorary President: R.G. Williams

Chairman: C. Barrett

Secretary: L. V. Hazell 

Treasurer: L. V. Hazell

Fixture Secretary: Kevin Bush

First Team Captain:

'A' Team Captain:

Alliance Captain:

Committee Members:

· R. Bridges

· A. A. Rayer

· D. Turnbull

· J. E. Webber

· P. Cross

Administration: John Stevens






Results 1

Results 2





Honours 1

Honours 2
